一、 中美大学生学术论坛背景说明
二、 近几届中美大学生学术论坛获奖列表
年份 | 奖项 | 姓名 | 题目 | 指导老师 |
2017 | 一等奖 | 张盼 | Analysis of the Status Quo of Electronic Payment Under the Background of Internet Finance | 赵红军 |
二等奖 | 李丹 | The Analysis of Personal Credit Evaluation on Logistic Model | 敬志勇 | |
二/三等奖 | 蔡梦敏 | Analysis of the factors affecting the demand of shared bike in China——based on the research of the ofo yellow bike | 赵红军 | |
三等奖 | 彭屹 | The Effect of Institutional Environment on Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Performance: Social Capital, Administrative Supervision and Marketization | 刘春济 | |
2018 | 一等奖 | 蔡梦敏 | For what are the 100 Chinese cities renowned for e-commerce?——Based on the analysis of 2013-2016 years data from the Ali Institute | 赵红军 |
二等奖 | 徐闪赏 | The Impact of Monetary Policy on Corporate Debt Financing | 李慧 | |
二等奖 | Leah Souza | The Impact of Patient Flow and Facility Attributes on CMS Star Ratings |
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二等奖 | 赵晓媚 | What Factors Lead to the Regional Differences in Development | 李小平 | |
三等奖 | 李震巍 | Does There Exist An Arbitrage Opportunity in AH Stocks? | 宋玉平 | |
三等奖 | Yan Carlos Minaya | Introversion in the Business World |
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三等奖 | Genesis Licil | American Trade Deficit & China |
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三等奖 | 张嘉琳/柴晓鸽 | The present situation and factors of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) education in Chinese university business schools | 刘春济 | |
三等奖 | Noah Oliver | The Effects of Research and Development Capitalization |
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三等奖 | 徐晓丹 | Does the Change in the Presentation of Investment Income Affect Accounting Conservatism? | 黄虹 | |
2019 | 一等奖 | 王君愉 | The Empirical Study 中美贸易战背景下沪港美股市的联动性研究 | 赵金实 |
二等奖 | 叶文馨 | Financial Literacy and Household Financial Asset Allocation: Evidence from China 金融素养与中国家庭金融资产配置 | 杨宝华 | |
三等奖 | 刘晓敏 | Is political experience of CEOs a driving force for conpany innovation?--An enpirical analysis of A-shared listed companies in China from2012 to 2017 | 赵红军 | |
三等奖 | 雷喻捷 | Return to the Earth's Original Color: 还给地球本来的颜色-中美商业银行绿色金融政策对比与实施内因分析 | 孙红梅 |
三、 合作院校简介
纽约州立大学是美国最大的公立大学系统之一,奥斯威戈分校是该系统中处于领先一流地位的综合性大学,被 Kiplinger 杂志评为前 100 名最有价值的公立大学。 提供 70 个本科专业,21 个研究生专业。研究生院包括文理学院,商学院,教育 学院,有权授予学士,硕士,博士学位。校园坐落于奥斯威戈市中,占地 700 英亩,很方便进入纽约、波士顿市区。校区安全在全美大学中排名前 15 位。学校化学系被美国化学协会认证。有超过50000 名校友分布在世界各地。