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09中法广告外教课安排时间表 SCHEDULE
Course period:   Major: 09Advertising
Course name: 跨文化传播 Instructor: Sabine ICHIKAWA
Attention: This is a draft of schedule which has not been yet confirmed, small changes still can be happened before the instructor arrive. 
Date weekdays Course name Class Time Teaching hours classroom 备注
9/13 4 La communication interculturelle 13:30-16:25 4 6/204  
9/20 4 La communication interculturelle 13:30-16:25 4 6/204  
9/27 4 La communication interculturelle 13:30-16:25 4 6/204  
9/29 4 La communication interculturelle 13:30-16:25 4 6/204  
10/11 4 La communication interculturelle 13:30-16:25 4 6/204  
10/18 4 La communication interculturelle 13:30-16:25 4 6/204  
10/25 4 La communication interculturelle 13:30-16:25 4 6/204  
11/8 4 La communication interculturelle 13:30-16:25 4 6/204  
11/9 5 EXAM 13:30-15:00 4 6/204  
          36 2credits
Break Time 9:20-9:35